Thursday 23 August 2012

See through cookies--- Almond Crisps

I have to warn you if you will try this recipe. I baked them last night as a "late night snack" and both me and my boyfriend can not stop eating these golden crispy treats. The ingredients can be easily found in you fridge. It's easy, healthy and tasty! (I got the recipe from Amy Tong but slightly different from hers)

2 large egg whites, room temprature
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp icing sugar
1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 cup almond slices
2 1/2 tbsp butter, melted (measured after melting)

Preheat the oven to 325 F.
1. Whisk egg whites, salt, vanilla extract, butter and sugar in a bowl, until the color is light yellow and the liquid starts to foam up. (Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved.)

2. Sift flour into the egg whites mixture. Mix until no lumps.

3. Add almond slices and gently fold in.

                                          This is what the batter looks like.

4. Use a tablespoon to scoop the batter and spread it out on the silicon sheet leaving 1-inch in between cookies.  Take your time on this step since you do not want any almond flakes overlap each other so you can get a thin and crispy cookie after baking.

                                          You can spread the cookie to 2-3inch circles but I did mine about 1 inch.

5. Bake for 9-12 min depends on your cookie size. I baked for 11 min and tah-dah! Cool them completely on the sheet and on rack.

                                          Look! How pretty!

                       Do no bag your cookies until they are completely cool. I bagged some of mine too early and they turn very soft after:(

                                          Ready to be given away:)

It's my first time baking these cookies and they turned out pretty good. However, they turn soft in the morning...
So here are some tips for next baking:  

  • Making sure no almond flakes are overlapping each other.
  • Bake for 1 min more so i can get a more golden brown colour on the cookies.
  • Store the cookies in air-tight container after they are cool and bag them right before I want to send them to friends.

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